Tuesday, April 14, 2009

RIP:Portael Fernandes 1993-2009

I still remember the day you came home. I was 11 years old, and dada brought you home in a little white bag...you were the cutest little black and white furry thing. Your puppy eyes had me from the get go...
My Portael, you lived a long life...16 long years
You made my life beautiful, my every memory involves you.
I will always remember how you sat there with me when I was down, like you could understand me. Thank you for being the constant best friend, for loving me even when I was mad and angry with you.
I wish you lived longer, I was hoping you would be there the day I got married, but God had other plans for you.
Through my tears, the thought of you jumping up and kissing me out of the blue brings a smile to my face.
I love you with my whole heart. Always have, and always will.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally
Thank you, for just being you.


Unknown said...

I miss you my sweet little boy. Love you forever and ever.

Unknown said...

Sorry about that, actually when u told me yesterday i felt sorry about you not because the dog but because of you, you was in very bad shape and ur cry which the first time i have seen u not smiling but after reading what u wrote about ur little dog now i realize that u should cry and feel sad about it.
Sorry again
Hassan Abo-Hawilli